work-study opportunity
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interested in a free yoga membership?
​join our workstudy team
Our Workstudy Team helps out with a number of tasks around and related to the studio. In exchange for 3.5 hours of your time and skills per week, we would love to offer you unlimited free yoga classes and discounted rates on our workshops, trainings, and special events!
We are currently looking for individuals for a variety of tasks including set up and light cleaning, retail sales and customer service (front desk), and/or grassroots marketing.​
If you're interested in learning more about or applying for our Workstudy Team, please email our Community Director Trish O'Brien at with the following:
Your name and a little bit about yourself.
A note about why our mission + culture resonate with you.
What skills you have to offer, or what tasks you would be interested in helping with.
Your general availability to work at the studio (time of day and days of the week.)