Deep Dive:
4-Week Courses
Each month, join our Founder Alia for a 4-Week Deep Dive into a different area of our practice. The Course topics will rotate each month, focusing on a different set of skills and poses.
The workshop-style, small-group structure will allow Alia to offer you significantly more one-on-one attention than a typical yoga class. You'll also be able to ask questions, share insights, and celebrate breakthroughs with Alia and the rest of your cohort!
Alia will guide you through tips and drills to help you build the strength, balance, and/or flexibility needed for these concepts. You'll also learn how to use your props to customize, and key anatomical principles to help you understand the concepts and apply them to your life off the mat too!
We'll also cover breathwork, meditation, and philosophy concepts that align with the
physical concepts being taught, so you are truly deepening your practice at all levels.
For the optimal learning experience, we recommend coming to all 4 sessions in each series, but you can
save your spot in individual sessions as well if you need the flexibility or are particularly interested in one specific topic.
***Our Foundations and Deep Dive Workshop Series are all prerequisites for our 200hr Yoga Teacher Training Program. They're also a great low-stakes way for you to dip your toe into deeper waters and explore whether Teacher Training would be a good fit for you!***
Deep Dive Sessions will be held Sunday afternoons from 1:30pm -3:30pm.
Full Series Price: $149
Single Session Price: $44 per/Session
Members get 15% off!
Deep Dive Monthly Course Topics
January: Hips, Hammies, + Low Back
This is Alia's favorite Deep Dive Series, because these are the problem areas that she gets asked about most often by her students! Join her for this 4-week series dedicated to cultivating happy + healthy hips, hamstrings, and lower back.
You'll learn how to stretch and strengthen these key body parts through a deeper understanding of their anatomy and the poses that activate them.
Sign up today and say goodbye to your lower body aches, pains, + stiffness!
February: Core + Balance
Core + Balance are two of the most popular practice goals among our students.
And for good reason: they are the most relevant skill sets when it comes to staying safe and strong both on and off the mat!
You can't have one without the other, so join Alia for this Deep Dive Series and get ready to feel stronger and steadier than ever before!
Deep Dive Curriculum:
Hips, Hammies, + Low Back
Week 1
Poses (Asana): 360 Degree Hip Anatomy, Pyramid Pose Family, Bridge Pose, + Supine Twists
Breathwork (Pranayama): Nadi Shodana - Alternate Nostril Breathing
Meditation (Dhyana): Pratyahara (What Comes Up) Meditation
Philosophy: Negative Samskaras (Patterns) 1
Week 2
Poses (Asana): Hip Flexors, Belly Backbends, + Splits
Breathwork (Pranayama): Nadi Shodana - Alternate Nostril Breathing
Meditation (Dhyana): Pratyahara (What Comes Up) Meditation
Philosophy: Negative Samskaras (Patterns) 2
Week 3
Week 4
Poses (Asana): Hip Abductors (Outer Hips), Standing Balance Challenges, Hammock Pose
Breathwork (Pranayama): Box Breathing
Meditation (Dhyana): Pratyahara (What Comes Up) Meditation
Philosophy: Healthy Samskaras (Patterns) 2
Deep Dive Curriculum:
Core + Balancing
Week 1
Poses (Asana): Core Anatomy, Table Pose Challenges, Tree Pose, Warrior 3, Standing Split
Breathwork (Pranayama): 3-Part Breath
Meditation (Dhyana): Mantra Meditation
Philosophy: Sthira Sukham Asanam - Effort/Ease
Week 2
Poses (Asana): Boat Pose Family, Stork Pose, Eagle Pose, Standing Figure 4
Breathwork (Pranayama): 3-Part Breath
Meditation (Dhyana): Mantra Meditation
Philosophy: Sthira Sukham Asanam - Effort/Ease
Week 3
Poses (Asana): Obliques, Half-Moon Family
Breathwork (Pranayama): Ujjayi - Ocean Breath
Meditation (Dhyana): Manifestation Meditation
Philosophy: Aversion (Dvesha) /Attachment (Upadana)
Week 4
Poses (Asana): Plank Family, Adding Movement to Balance Challenges
Breathwork (Pranayama): Ujjayi - Ocean Breath
Meditation (Dhyana): Manifestation Meditation
Philosophy: Aversion (Dvesha) /Attachment (Upadana)